CO2 Neutral Website
CA Auto Bank neutralises the CO2 emissions of the Bank's websites across the Group.

CA Auto Bank neutralises the CO2 emissions of the Bank’s websites across the Group, thanks to CO2 Neutral Website projects. CO2 Neutral Website, a Danish company whose goal is to draw attention to the CO2 emissions of websites.
For the implementation of the project, the CO2 emitted by the website was calculated, based on the average consumption of CO2 of the site’s hosting, and on the average number of visitors.
Subsequently, in order to neutralise emissions from our websites, CA Auto Bank supports the projects proposed by CO2 Neutral Website.
These are CO2 neutralisation projects with a high social and environmental impact certified by the Gold Standard, verified by United Nations accredited auditors.
Then, Deloitte also certifies the work of the CO2 Neutral Website.
The projects to minimise CO2 emissions concern the creation of sustainable structures, such as wind and solar plants; reforestation projects and projects on new sustainable energy sources, such as wind and water energy.